German Supporting Section of the
International Academy of Sciences San Marino

(Akademio Internacia de la Sciencoj (AIS))

The German supporting sector of the AIS San Marino integrates the German members of the supporting sector (SubS) of the AIS, allowing them to deduce their contribution to the AIS from their taxable income. Our account for membership fees and donations is:

Postbank Hannover (BLZ 250 100 30)
Konto 2051-305
Indicate: "fuer SubS-D"

The annual membership fee for individual members is 1 AKU, at the moment (1999) corresponding to EUR 65.00. New members have to pay two years' fees in advance. Natural persons may acquire a life membership for 25 annual fees. All members are entitled to vote in the General Assembly of the international AIS supporting sector, which decides about internal funding in the AIS.

Requests for membership may be directed to the board of the German supporting section:

Prof. on. Dr. Siegfried Piotrowski
Postfach 27 42
DE-58027 Hagen

Admission as a supporting member is decided by the General Assembly and the AIS senate. Individuals belonging to the scientific sector (SciS) of the AIS are entitled to become supporting members upon request. Admission of corporate members (juristic persons) is decided by the board of the supporting sector.

Author: Reinhard Fössmeier
Stand: 1999-08-30